We have all heard the word tempo in relation to the golf swing. Announcers on television speak of the “great” tempo Ernie Els has in his golf swing. What does tempo mean to the amateur and their golf swing?
Tempo in the Golf Swing
Tempo is part timing in all aspects of the golf swing. Putting all these golf swing parts together creates tempo in your own golf swing.
Interconnecting each phase of the golf swing; address, take-away, backswing, transition, downswing, impact, and follow through is one part of tempo, Performing each of these phases with the correct timing is also tempo. “feel” for the clubhead is part of tempo.
We can probably say tempo is the end goal of all our practice and time spent on our golf swing. There is definitely a level of mastery within it once we have developed tempo in the golf swing.
How Do We Develop Tempo in the Golf Swing?
A great question that does not have a simple answer: Developing tempo in the golf swing is a task that requires time, practice, and patience. There really are no short cuts to developing it within your golf swing.
I say this because developing a PGA Tour type golf swing requires a “basket of tools” in your arsenal. Developing tempo and a silky smooth golf swing requires you to:
§ Receive proper instruction on the fundamentals of the golf swing
§ Maintain a consistent practice schedule with your golf swing
§ Use swing drills to develop every as of your golf swing
§ The possible implementation of training aides into your practice sessions
The “basket of tools” listed above put together can lead you to developing great tempo in your golf swing. It requires a comprehensive approach in which no short cuts can be made. Let’s take a look at the bullet points above to get a better understanding of how to go about this process.
§ Implementing of golf fitness program to develop your body around the golf swing.
Proper Instruction in the Mechanics of the Golf Swing
Learning the fundamentals of the golf swing is key to developing tempo. This will allow your body to learn the nuances of the swing.
Consistent Practice of the Golf Swing
In order for your body to learn and be able to repeat to proper mechanics of the golf swing, you must practice on a consistent basis. The golf swing is no different.
Swing Drills to Develop the Golf Swing
It is best when learning the golf swing to break it down into parts. Breaking the golf swing down into segments allows you more easily to master each phase of the swing. Swing drills break the swing down into manageable parts.
Training Aides in Association with Your Golf Swing Drills
Training aides assist the body in developing the golf swing. Think of training aides as “training wheels” on a bicycle. They simply help your body learn certain movements and positions associated with the golf swing.
Implementing a Golf Fitness Program
Your body swings the golf club and performs the biomechanics of the golf swing. A golf fitness program is the final key to developing tempo in your golf swing.
To summarize the development of tempo in your golf swing requires a “basket of tools”. Tempo requires; proper instruction on the golf swing, consistent practice of your golf swing mechanics, the utilization of swing drills, training aides, and a golf fitness program. Put all of these aspects together and a golf swing with tempo will be yours.
Your body swings the golf club and performs the biomechanics of the golf swing. Tempo requires; proper instruction on the golf swing, consistent practice of your golf swing mechanics, the utilization of swing drills, training aides, and a golf fitness program.
Putting all these golf swing parts together creates tempo in your own golf swing.
Breaking the golf swing down into segments allows you more easily to master each phase of the swing. Swing drills break the swing down into manageable parts.