The American Dream is the promise to have it all and enjoy it all. Today, many Americans believe that their odds of winning the lottery are better than attaining the American Dream.
Originally the American Dream concept was born out of lack and a genuine need for security shortly after the Great Depression and WW2. Because jobs were scarce, the greatest aspiration for most Americans was securing steady employment and owning their own home.
Today, the American Dream is more of a marketing concept, whereby Madison Avenue and government alike, have convinced people that they have to have a certain standard of living (such as a second home, a vacation in Europe, expensive jewelry and other ‘toys’) in order to be happy and fulfilled. Even the Christmas holiday has lost its original meaning and has become highly commercialized.
In other words, we’ve been brainwashed to believe that, ‘He with the most toys lives,’ rather than ‘He with the most joys lives.’ By taking on even higher amounts of personal debt, Americans are more stressed out and less optimistic and fulfilled than ever before despite their high standard of living. That’s because ‘toys’ (material goods), without purpose and a wholesome values system, only produce an artificial joy that is as fleeting as it is cruel.
The American Dream as we know it, is no longer something that is born out of need and lack but rather out of greed and desire. It does not represent the true spirit of America, which was based on perspiration, innovation, risk and reward with the focus on a wholesome values system, integrity, family, community and a strong work ethic.
From an Enron economy and huge government deficits, to our failing educational system and the break down of the family system (where kids are left home alone to grow up with their peers, gangs and TV), practically every facet of our lives is negatively effected by the pursuit of materialism, which is a by-product of the American Dream. In a materialistic-driven society where there is an obsession with fame and fortune and winning at all costs, the prevailing wisdom is to do what’s politically correct, rather than doing what’s in the best interest of the community. And when the intoxicating love of power overcomes the power of love, it’s easy to see why absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The concept of The American Dream (as we know it now) is not only a marketing concept but it is also used by politicians for getting votes and keeping constituents happy. The different political parties have their own agendas when it comes to helping certain members of society achieve the American Dream. The Democratic party on the one hand supports labor unions and union contracts that provide for big wage increases for the common worker so that they can achieve a piece of The American Dream.
Ironically, both political parties realize that because the pie is limited, making the American Dream a reality for all Americans is virtually impossible. As a matter of fact, most people are kept in perpetual debt their whole lives in order to maintain a standard of living consistent with the new ideal of the American Dream.
In order to make the American Dream possible for as many Americans to achieve, consumerism had to be created. The point of consumerism is to get people to spend more by going into debt. The problem is that there is a limitation on how far people can go into debt.
The solution to restoring our economy, our failing systems and our institutions, as well as our sanity, is through the spirit. We were meant and designed to live a life of meaning and purpose by recognizing the unity of life and living in harmony with universal laws that are characterized by integrity and the honoring of all living things.
Today, many Americans believe that their odds of winning the lottery are better than attaining the American Dream.
From an Enron economy and huge government deficits, to our failing educational system and the break down of the family system (where kids are left home alone to grow up with their peers, gangs and TV), practically every facet of our lives is negatively effected by the pursuit of materialism, which is a by-product of the American Dream. Ironically, both political parties realize that because the pie is limited, making the American Dream a reality for all Americans is virtually impossible. As a matter of fact, most people are kept in perpetual debt their whole lives in order to maintain a standard of living consistent with the new ideal of the American Dream. In order to make the American Dream possible for as many Americans to achieve, consumerism had to be created.