Science is a systematized body of knowledge that is geared towards finding explanations to various phenomena. Science and spirituality both share many characteristics in them. Religion is paving a way to understand what is incalculable by human ways; science is finding means to explain what is finite in this world. Some skeptics are never going to admit that there is a point where science will actually meet spirituality but from the very beginning, they have already shared a common trait among them.
For ages since human society was born, there has been an ongoing clash and debates between science and faith. Science is a systematized body of knowledge that is geared towards finding explanations to various phenomena.
If we carefully examine the starting point of these two queries, it is very apparent that they have originated from the thirst for knowledge which is innate in human nature as rational beings. Science and spirituality both share many characteristics in them. Contrary to that, spirituality aims to decipher a deeper reality and meaning in us – who are we, why are we here on earth, what is the reason why we exist.
In a realm that is divided by dispute and strife at every level, from the spiri ¬ intellectual and tual to the physical, the individuals who are in search of the creation of peace and harmony have often turned to the task of pursuing solidarity amongst science and spirituality. Many people made attempts to reconcile the ideas of the two influences known as the ‘New Age Mentality’ but the bounds by how these concepts are going to be merged. Will there ever be a chance to ever reconcile the beliefs of these two antagonistic poles?
Religion is paving a way to understand what is incalculable by human ways; science is finding means to explain what is finite in this world. These two quests maintain the balance of knowledge – seeking justifications for what we are experiencing in life to understand it better.
Some skeptics are never going to admit that there is a point where science will actually meet spirituality but from the very beginning, they have already shared a common trait among them. They must have an open mind to understand reality in its true essence.