A truly healthy relationship will consist of both partners who are interested in expanding a relationship and learning so that it continues to improve.
There are reliable tools that can be used to create a healthy relationship, many of which have not been taught in our culture. Follow these simple guidelines if you want to have a really healthy relationship.
Everyone who is in a relationship or cares about their relationships may need assistance at some time to help them deal with problems or difficulties in a relationship, learn how to from or improve relationships, cope with a relationship that has broken down and help to change a relationship where there is violence and abuse.
When sincerely given freely in a relationship, forgiveness may heal relationships that are suffering. If you are unhappy in your relationship, make an effort to learn how you might create a better relationship for yourself rather than try to change your partner.
Whatever your age and experience, a relationship can bring you new and demanding challenges. Being able to handle conflict and deal with differences is important in maintaining healthy relationships. Everyone who is in a relationship or cares about their relationships may need assistance at some time to help them deal with problems or difficulties in a relationship, learn how to from or improve relationships, cope with a relationship that has broken down and help to change a relationship where there is violence and abuse.
All couples experience problems in one form or another– it’s part of sharing your life with another human being. The difference between a healthy relationships that work, and those that don’t, is how well couples deal with the problems and challenges they face in their life together.
Research have shown that people in supportive, loving relationships are more likely to feel healthier, happier, less stress and satisfied with their lives and less likely to have physical or mental health problems or to do things that are bad for their health. Listening and talking are probably the most important skills in a relationship.
· Do not expect anyone to be responsible for your happiness. Too often, relationships fail because someone is unhappy and blames their partner for making them feel that way. Make yourself happy first, and then share his or her happiness.
· Appreciate yourself and your partner. One definition of appreciation is to be sensitively aware so you don’t have to be sugar-coating anything; so tell your beloved that you love him or her, and that you don’t want to argue but to talk and make it better.
If you’ve been rude to your partner, own up to it, and get try to think of ways how you might do it differently and in a positive manner next time. If you are unhappy in your relationship, make an effort to learn how you might create a better relationship for yourself rather than try to change your partner.
We learn that it is often in or though intimate relationships that our romantic, companionship, and intimacy needs will be met. While each of these stages of relationships can be challenging and difficult, it is commonly when relationships end or “don’t work out” that we struggle the most.
It can have the power to transcend all offenses, small and great, and learning to forgive another takes honesty, respect, and patience. When sincerely given freely in a relationship, forgiveness may heal relationships that are suffering.
· Do not do anything for your partner if it comes with an expectation of reciprocation. Keeping score in a relationship will never work: a person is less likely to value and notice all the contributions of their partner as much as their own.
We are attracted to the partner with whom we can learn the most, and sometimes the lesson is to let go of a relationship that no longer serves us. A truly healthy relationship will consist of both partners who are interested in expanding a relationship and learning so that it continues to improve.
While each of these stages of relationships can be challenging and difficult, it is commonly when relationships end or “don’t work out” that we struggle the most.