You’re not girly enough. You don’t talk enough. You talk too much.
Turn off your TV.
The truth of the matter is that men, the desirable ones, don’t care all that much about what you look like. They don’t care if you’re shy, or if you occasionally ramble on about nothing. Instead, they tend to gravitate toward women who possess a valuable, seemingly elusive, quality:
Oh, yes. Happy women attract men, small children, dogs, and guinea pigs like magnets. What man in his right mind wouldn’t want to be around a happy woman?
Think I’m being silly? I’m not, and I’ll prove it to you.
Like a lot of people, my weight used to fluctuate (although not so much anymore, thanks to regular dates with a NordicTrack).
At one point I was 30 pounds heavier than I am today, and some friends had invited me out for dinner and drinks.
While trying on 3,000 outfits in an attempt to find something that made me look thin, I had an epiphany: I wasn’t going to lose 30 pounds in two hours. I set a goal to focus on
Before I left the house, I brought to mind all the things I had going for me. I smiled sincerely at people and made a point of putting them at ease once I was out.
The result? One very attractive guy (whom I previously considered completely out of my league) asked me out that night, starting a fun and memorable summer romance.
After we ‘d broken up a few months later, I woke up with the symptoms of some sort of food allergy. I ‘d lost 25 pounds, but that didn’t change the fact that my eyelids bulged like footballs.
I had plans to attend a party that evening, so I immediately turned to the teabag-on-the-eyelid therapy touted by the beauty mags. I tried ice packs, frozen spoons, frozen peas. I tried drinking loads of lemon water and following it up with a pot of detoxifying herbal tea.
Clearly, looking my best was not in the cards. After spending the afternoon in the bathroom ridding myself of lemon water and tea, I set out for the party looking like Jabba the Hut from the neck up.
Once again, I ‘d made a decision. Sure, I ‘d be the most physically repellent creature in the room, but why get bummed out about it? Wearing a little brown
All night I banished the nagging temptation to head to the bathroom to poke at my swollen face. I achieved my goal of having a great time.
Guess who scored a date with a good-looking, very funny guy?
If you want to attract guys, forget about what’s wrong about you. You’ll find yourself attracting better friends, better men, and better circumstances.
Next time you’re on your way out of the house and feeling like no man in the world would ever be interested in you, think about things that make you laugh. When you were truly happy, bring to mind times in your life.
Put a smile on your face and walk out that door!
The truth of the matter is that men, the desirable ones, don’t care all that much about what you look like. Happy women attract men, small children, dogs, and guinea pigs like magnets. What man in his right mind wouldn’t want to be around a happy woman?
If you want to attract guys, forget about what’s wrong about you. You’ll find yourself attracting better friends, better men, and better circumstances.