Imagine how much more productive you could be if you had the power of concentration whenever you wanted it. Good news! Not only can learn how to concentrate better, but you can do so right now.
Concentration Power Is Automatic
Start working on something, and concentration is automatic, until you are distracted. If there was nothing interfering, you would have complete and easy concentration.
Make that phone call, or make a note about it, and your mind will usually let go of the concern for now. Do whatever you can quickly do to let these “mind irritation” go.
Maybe there’s a phone call you need to make, that has been quietly bothering you, just below consciousness. Start tuning into your mind today, and it will become easier by tomorrow.
Do this exercise a few times, and you’ll find it becomes easier to recognise what is just below the surface, irritating you and sapping your power of concentration. Set these mind irritations aside, and you will think more clearly.
Why Concentration?
Concentration is difficult if you’re bored. Answer the question, and visualize the benefits clearly, and it will be easier to focus your mind.
Obvious Distractions
You’ll be able to focus your attention and brain power like a spotlight when you take care of the external and the internal distractions. Watch a child building a sand castle sometime, and you’ll see that the power of concentration really is natural.
If you had the power of concentration whenever you wanted it, imagine how much more productive you could be. Start working on something, and concentration is automatic, until you are distracted. If there was nothing interfering, you would have complete and easy concentration. Make that phone call, or make a note about it, and your mind will usually let go of the concern for now. Concentration is difficult if you’re bored.
Do something about whatever it is that takes your mind away from the task at hand. Turn off the TV, feed your empty stomach, or turn your desk away from the window.