Whatever you feel and think about these questions, those feelings and thoughts will have an effect on your brain function, because brain power and psychology are intimately connected.
I love chess puzzles, and I used to think those elegant solutions were not often possible in real games. If you think you can increase your brain power, you are far more likely to do what is necessary to get that result. Now, to apply this to your thinking process:
When you are thinking clearly and effectively, tell yourself, “Look at that brain go!”
What Do You Think?
Can you increase your brain power? Whatever you feel and think about these questions, those feelings and thoughts will have an effect on your brain function, because brain power and psychology are intimately connected.
I love chess puzzles, and I used to think those elegant solutions were not often possible in real games. I find the elegant ones more often now.
A man I know spent his childhood with wealthy kids and their families. Is it coincidence that he now makes more money than most of us? He simply feels that a certain level of income is normal, and his mind will always push him towards that level.
Are you beginning to see how expectation and belief can expand or limit not only your mind, but your life? How do you apply this to increasing your brain power?
What Can You Do?
I’ll never say that anything is possible, but what you think you can do certainly affects what you accomplish. If you think you can increase your brain power, you are far more likely to do what is necessary to get that result.
Don’t worry. I’m not going to tell you to stand in front of a mirror making positive affirmations. There is an easier way.
Evidence Is More Powerful Than Affirmation
What you look for, you find, and this changes your mind. Watch for polite drivers for a few days, making a mental note to yourself each time you see one. Watch for rude drivers for a few days, and you’ll begin to see them all over.
You’ll get the point if you actually do the exercise above. You experience the world not just according to what is there, but even more according to what you pay attention to. Now, to apply this to your thinking process:
Find your successes. When you are thinking clearly and effectively, tell yourself, “Look at that brain go!”
Telling yourself you are intelligent may help, but evidence is more convincing than affirmation. If you are working to improve your mind, just watch, and you will find examples of progress, small or however large.