If you can identify what triggers your outbreak you may be able to stop some of the outbreaks even before they start, of course. Simple things like making sure you eat nutritiously (I know you may be wondering what that has to do with anything but the healthier your body is in general the easier time it will have fighting off all types of infections and illnesses).
Having a cold sore can make you uncomfortable and just generally irritated and unhappy. While there is no cure for cold sores, there are some cold sore home remedy treatments that many people have gotten relief with. You may or may not experience the same results but it’s worth a try to alleviate some of the pain and discomfort you’re feelings, isn’t it?
You could take a yoga class, learn to meditate or just go kick boxing, whatever you can do that will help you stay calm.
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex 1 virus. This is not the same virus that causes genital herpes which is a herpes simplex 2. The simplex virus 1 can be dormant in your body, often since childhood, until the right set of triggers occur and trigger a full-fledged outbreak.
Go easy on the things that aren’t good for you like nicotine, too much caffeine and junk food. Instead, get enough sleep, keep your body hydrated and try to keep your stress levels at a reasonable level. If you have a high stress job, for example, try to at least learn some techniques for de-stressing a little bit.
Now, here are some cold sore home remedy treatments for you to try;
Take an ice cube and apply it directly to the cold sore. Once the ice cube has melted take a dry towel and carefully dry the cold sore. Once it’s dry take a little rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and dab the cold sore.
- Take Lysine when you first feel a little tingle on your lip (this is usually the first sign that you are getting a cold sore) Use it 3 times daily and hopefully this will prevent the cold sore from actually forming in the first place. Just go down to your local drug store and ask them where to find it if you’ve never heard of Lysine.
- Don’t re-infect yourself by using the same toothbrush or toothpaste. Buy a new toothbrush and toothpaste at the first sign of an outbreak.
Having a cold sore can make you uncomfortable and just generally irritated and unhappy. While there is no cure for cold sores, there are some cold sore home remedy treatments that many people have gotten relief with. Once the ice cube has melted take a dry towel and carefully dry the cold sore. Once it’s dry take a little rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and dab the cold sore. Take Lysine when you first feel a little tingle on your lip (this is usually the first sign that you are getting a cold sore) Use it 3 times daily and hopefully this will prevent the cold sore from actually forming in the first place.
Use one or more simple when you have an outbreak or to prevent an outbreak
cold sore home remedy treatments to find the relief you need much more quickly than you might have thought possible.